Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Colin & Lester : from Rags to Dust

For those who are interested in my work - insofar as such people exist - the successor to Colin & Lester, named above as it is, should be finished in mid-2010.

It can be summarised as follows: Colin and Lester do it tough from the first page to the last; they terrorise any number of hapless bystanders, prigs and people with 'hard-to-meet' needs; Brutus now enters the spotlight as a major character in his own right; the controversial Doctor Chakrabai is introduced to the world - and the secret recipe to Death Adder Chicken Salad Surprise is aired for the first time.

If you enjoyed C & L, then the successor should be right up your alley - in more ways than one.


1 comment:

Investigator said...

After I finished glueing some of the Cranbourne Rubber Chickens together for Adam Simpson I sat down to Colin and Lester.
What a ripper read.
I could not put it down. Literally.
The glue on my hands had adhered to the book. I had a shower and shed a few pages. I hope to be rid of this odios tome by next Wednesday.

Really enjoyed the read, though I am hopelessly biased.
Author! Author! (polite hand clap).

About Me

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Melbourne, Australia
Bernard Michael O’Hanlon is a failed seminarian and a failed medical student. He needs some humor, therefore, in his dealings with the world. Now safely married with two children, he has entered the corporate world as a means of staying solvent in a vague, financial sense. He lives sedately in Melbourne, Australia.
